A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.
Proverbs 11:25

Father's Day 2019
This has been a difficult blog to get out because I wanted to be sure and articulate the right way and not have it be mis-interpreted.
With my father-in-law Doug's cancer diagnosis and subsequent treatment, the family has recently been blessed by their small group. They have decided to offer a family meal to us 3 days a week for the duration of Doug's treatments. I cannot begin to express how meaningful this was to us.

It goes beyond meal preparation though. Over the last 6 or 9 months, the evening meals have been more and more my responsibility. This isn't something I resent or don't want to do. But it is something that takes time out of my day. Recently it has meant I need to prepare dinner instead of relaxing after work or playing hide-and-seek with the kids. Compounding the time crunch are two additional factors: after-school kid activities that put everyone at home around 7:00 two days a week; and during his treatment, Doug is limited with daily farm chores. Feeding cows and chickens, tending the furnace, cutting/loading firewood—these are now now something I need to finish on a daily basis. You can see where this pressure can add up with this full of a plate.

First Calf of the Season, over the weekend
When I heard that their small group was donating 3 family meals a week, I was overwhelmed with the need to have an appropriate response. What an amazing blessing for me, very specifically. It has been amazing, to not have to worry about providing these meals, and honestly, they have provided enough with every meal to cover the days that aren't delivered. This has completely eased the time crunch I feel and add to that the financial requirements meals require.
I am so thankful to the Lentz Small Group, for their thoughtfulness, kindness, and compassion. Through them, God has truly blessed us during this trying time. Thank you, everyone, for all your hard work and for supporting our family.
What a cool thing for our family, one less worry as we take care of my dad and ourselves. They may never know how awesome of a gift this is for us.